Get Outta The Box And Thrive!

It’s complete bull sh*t to accept another’s truth as God, yet we do it all the time.  We trade our thoughts and feelings in for that of another because we perceive their truth to be more valuable than our own observation.

We ignore that still small voice within and expect that we’ll be happy and well-adjusted in life, however, this will never be true because while others are living their truth, we’re invalidating the voice within and hoping he or she will shut up and let us live the lie.

This is a horrible existence for those of us who can’t tell others how we truly feel because if we do, they’ll get mad at us and leave.  Or if we tell the truth, they’ll say we’re jealous or we’re trying to make them feel bad. So we keep our mouths shut and squash our voice within to “keep the peace” for those who can’t handle the truth.

But when will we dare to step out of the box and live life on our own terms?  When will we allow our voice to be heard and not cow-tail behind the social niceties?  We’re so good at playing nice with others that we’ve forsaken ourselves and discounted the value of our opinions, thoughts and ideas.  We’ve diminished our strength by holding our tongue and by refusing to live our purpose.

I’m not saying we should be rude and discourteous to live our purpose or speak the truth, but I am in support of living a life with integrity and that means holding value to our own thoughts and ideas and having the courage to speak what is real for us regardless of some perceived consequence.

It’s time to get out of the box and start thriving . . . we all deserve a life lived with passion, purpose and integrity.  After all, what is true for you is true for you.  You have the power to decide what this means for you and the freedom to express your truth.

Thrive my friend.  Thrive.

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